Title: Ishihara Test
Category:Health & Beauty: Diseases & Conditions

The Ishihara color plate test can help an individual identify color blindness or color deficiency. Developed in the 1900s by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a military surgeon and optometrist, the color plate test can detect protanopia and deuteranopia color deficiencies. Each plate is composed of differently colored dots with a pattern that identifies a number, which people with a color deficiency will not be able to see. In 1999, Dr. Thomas Azman developed a color blindness cure for individuals facing this issue. The ColorCorrection System™ adjusts the wavelength of each color going into the person's eyes by using filters in either color corrective eyeglasses or soft contact lenses. This system is proven to enhance color perception and is guaranteed to help an individual pass an Ishihara color plate test.